15 Days of Gratitude from the Psalms 

15 Days of Gratitude from the Psalms  At every meal my five kids always compete over who will say “thanks.” They love saying their special prayer before the meal, but saying thanks is more than just something we do at the beginning of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They all pray the same type of prayer at each meal. Where did they learn the language for giving thanks? From my husband and I. They didn’t come up with the words on…

When to Change Your Bible Reading Plan

When to Change Your Bible Reading Plan In August I had big plans to read through the Bible in nine months! To be able to follow a reading plan like this I would have to read five-six chapters a day. Normally I think I would be able to do this. I was able to follow this plan a few years ago, but after our family’s upheaval in July, I knew I would not be able to keep up this pace….

Let’s Read the Bible: Matthew

Let’s Read the Bible: Matthew Jesus is our King!  The theme and heart of the Gospel of Matthew sings this theme throughout its pages. The very first book in our New Testament is Matthew. It is one of the three gospels that share Jesus’ life in a chronological order. Luke and Mark tell about Jesus’ life in similar ways. Matthew, Mark, and Luke include many events and speeches made by Jesus. Matthew focuses on Jesus being the Messiah, the King…

Let’s Read the Bible: Ezra 

Let’s Read the Bible: Ezra  Have you ever felt like God was calling you to do something, but it seemed too hard? You are in good company. Ezra, a priest and man of God, knew God was asking him to do something big – but it seemed too big! Ezra finds that God equips those He calls.  Read Ezra with us! For the month of September the “Let’s Read the Bible” community is reading through Ezra. You can join our…