Let’s Read the Bible – The Letters of John 

Let’s Read the Bible – The Letters of John  Remember the days when we were young and we sent actual letters in the mail? At the end of Bible camp one summer when I was twelve, the girls in my cabin exchanged mailing addresses. I sent almost everyone on that list a card, but only one girl wrote me back. Her name was Heather and we sent letters to each other for years. During our teenage years the internet came…

Let’s Read the Bible: Ruth

Let’s Read the Bible: Ruth Do you want to study the book of Ruth? Watch this video before you get started. Discover… How does the book of Judges fit with Ruth? Who are the main characters? Why isn’t it just a love story? What are the themes? Watch the Video Here Don’t forget you can study Ruth with my Bible Reading & Study Guides here! Have you ever said: I am so confused when I read my Bible. What do…

Bible Reading and Study Guide for Ruth

Bible Reading and Study Guide for Ruth Ruth is a fantastic book of the Bible. A long time again, I took a remote Bible class. In this class I was taught how to study the Bible for myself. The final assignment for this class was to study out an entire book of the Bible and write Sunday school lesson plans based on what we learned. As a new mom and the young age of twenty-four, I chose my favorite book…

I Can Do All Things, Except This

I Can Do All Things, Except This There was a time when all of my children drank from sippy-cups. You know the cups that have lids? I would see them day after day sitting on the counter. They would need to be filled constantly. My children’s hands would grab them, drink, and move along with their days. Each time I saw an empty cup sitting on the counter my heart would resonate with the void. My heart was happy, but…