Let’s Read the Bible: Ezra 

Let’s Read the Bible: Ezra  Have you ever felt like God was calling you to do something, but it seemed too hard? You are in good company. Ezra, a priest and man of God, knew God was asking him to do something big – but it seemed too big! Ezra finds that God equips those He calls.  Read Ezra with us! For the month of September the “Let’s Read the Bible” community is reading through Ezra. You can join our…

The Five Best Resources for Bible Study

The Five Best Resources for Bible Study For a long time I was convinced you didn’t need anything to read your Bible. Just a Bible, a pen, and a notebook. However, over time I realized I didn’t understand everything I was reading! Yes, I was reading and understanding some of it, but what if I really wanted to grasp what each verse and chapter was talking about? I had questions. It doesn’t take long for us to run into questions….

Let’s Read the Bible – YouTube

Did you know I have a YouTube Channel? You can check it out here. I love to encourage moms, especially the tired ones, to read the Bible. Here you can find videos on how to read your Bible. Things like:  – Why we need our Bibles – What does the Bible say about anxiety?  – Truth and Tips on Prayer – Does God really love us?  Also included are overviews for various books of the Bible. Books like, Ruth, Judges,…

Let’s Read the Bible – Judges

Let’s Read the Bible – Judges The book of Judges reads like a circle. It begins with Israel committing idolatry, and worshiping other gods. Then God allows some sort of sorrow to plague the people. Sometimes He would cause neighboring armies to come in and raid. Other times there would be famines (which meant no rain or food). After suffering, the Israelites cry out to God. It says in Judges 2:18 that “The Lord was moved to pity by their…