The 5 Passages to Read On Christmas Day

The 5 Passages to Read On Christmas Day One of my favorite traditions growing up was my parents reading the Christmas story to us before opening presents. Before going downstairs and seeing what we had gotten, my dad would always open Luke chapter 2. We would listen as he read starting with the angels visiting the shepherds. Christmas was more than just the gifts under the tree, it is about the greatest gift – Jesus Christ, Savior and Light of…

The 3 Best Christmas Reading Plans 

The 3 Best Christmas Reading Plans  ’Tis the season for hot chocolate, warm coffee, and cozy nights by the fire. One of the things I love about our new house is the fireplace! We love to spend our winter evenings by the fireplace and play board games, watch T.V. or simply read. Our family is so grateful for how the Lord has led us this year. This year has been hard. We began January 2022 with hopes, dreams, and excitement….

Getting Ready for Advent

Getting Ready for Advent – A New Advent Study is Coming!  My children love to have a nightlight. All five of them at some point while they were little wanted a nightlight. My three youngest still like them! While we were living with my parents after suddenly moving back from Central America, my girls shared a room without a nightlight. So each night the oldest would ask if she could crack the door. All she needed was a little light. …

When to Change Your Bible Reading Plan

When to Change Your Bible Reading Plan In August I had big plans to read through the Bible in nine months! To be able to follow a reading plan like this I would have to read five-six chapters a day. Normally I think I would be able to do this. I was able to follow this plan a few years ago, but after our family’s upheaval in July, I knew I would not be able to keep up this pace….