How to Study the Bible Without a Bible Degree

How to Study the Bible Without a Bible Degree Do you need a Bible degree to study the Bible?  The answer is:  NO There was a day, long ago, I felt I needed a Bible degree to understand the Bible. Every pastor, preacher, and evangelist I had met had a Bible degree. In my mid-twenties I went back to college. In the middle of having babies, taking care of my house, and six years of online classes, I received a…

The Five Best Resources for Bible Study

The Five Best Resources for Bible Study For a long time I was convinced you didn’t need anything to read your Bible. Just a Bible, a pen, and a notebook. However, over time I realized I didn’t understand everything I was reading! Yes, I was reading and understanding some of it, but what if I really wanted to grasp what each verse and chapter was talking about? I had questions. It doesn’t take long for us to run into questions….

For The Woman Who Struggles to Read Her Bible

For The Woman Who Struggles to Read Her Bible Many women would love to say they read their Bible consistently, but let’s be honest for just a minute. What if that wasn’t true? I’m sure there are myriads of women out there who don’t read. That’s who I want to speak to today. There is help for the woman who struggles to read her Bible. You Are Not Behind First, let me say, you are not behind. Just because you…

The Best Tip for Reading Your Bible

The Best Tip for Reading Your Bible Prayer! That might sound crazy, but what if prayer was the KEY to reading your Bible more? Here are three reasons prayer helps in our Bible reading.  1. It connects us. We can feel more connected to God when we pray. Prayer is a way for us to communicate to God. We can speak to Him as we are reading His word. We can pray for Him to help us understand before we…