How to Meditate on the Bible

How to Meditate on the Bible  In Philippians 4:7-8 we read how we can have peace. Paul says to “think” or meditate on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and excellent. As a child I remember memorizing this list (and the one found in Galatians 5:22-23). It is a nice list, but it is kind of vague, isn’t it? What exactly do I need to be thinking about? A few years ago I read Psalm 19 and it…

How We Know God’s Word Is Trustworthy

How We Know God’s Word Is Trustworthy Have you ever been betrayed by someone? I think we’ve all been there. I remember being betrayed by close friends in my early twenties. I was an adult, married, with a little baby. These things didn’t happen to me now, right? I wasn’t in high school anymore. But I was betrayed. Lied about and hurt deeply.  In our deepest hurts we sometimes hold on to the lies the enemy whispers: We can’t trust…

10 of God’s Promises for You

10 of God’s Promises for You  One of the most frequent questions I hear God ask me is this: Do you trust My promises? Of course my heart would like to say, YES! Of course I trust Your promises. Unfortunately, my actions speak louder than my words. I worry, doubt, and try to manipulate my circumstances so that it doesn’t really look like I trust God’s promises. It is a teeter-totter of emotions, but really I need to hop off…

How to Read the Bible for Beginners

How To Read the Bible for Beginners  Do you feel like a beginner when it comes to Bible? Are you intimidated by everyone who posts pretty pictures on Instagram of their Bible study/reading space? Is the Bible confusing, collecting dust, or creating in you a deep sense of guilt?  The expert in anything was once a beginner. – Anonymous  Everyone started somewhere – even me! There is no shame in beginning, in fact I salute you for wanting to start…