Three Truths About Daily Living

Three Truths About Daily Living After three years, I’m still walking one day at a time. Sometimes I get caught up in making plans, dreaming about the future, and fretting about my past. Most days, I breathe in the moment (or I try to) and I sip my coffee. One cup at a time. One grace-filled day at a time, I seek out God. As the Israelites walked the desert living, they too lived one day at a time. Their…

How to Choose the Best This Season

Happy December! Last month I shared with you my heart via a free devotional series. Prepare Your Heart for Advent!  It is still available. Click here to join our communities and prepare your heart for Christmas. As I spend this month resting, and refreshing, I’ve realized saying “no” is the going to be the key for me. One of the things I’ve decided to say “no” to is the blog for the month of December. I plan to use the…

How to Read Your Bible on Vacation

What summer plans do you have this summer? How do you read your Bible on vacation? A month ago we left for China. We were there for over two weeks. Although it wasn’t a vacation, we were out of our routine for awhile. It was been a much different trip than the last time. Even though it was so much less stressful, I still struggled with reading my Bible consistently. It was hard, living in a hotel room with various…

Six Ways to Cultivate a Prayer Habit

Six Ways to Cultivate a Prayer Habit Our garden this year is completely overrun. We had grand plans for green beans, green peppers, pumpkins, tomatoes, squash, and even broccoli. Unfortunately, we let it be overrun with weeds and failed to water it during the drier days. It is a sad little plot of land, barren and empty. Cultivating a garden takes work, and so does cultivating a prayer life. If we neglect prayer in our Bible study time, we might find our…