True Love Bible Reading Plan

True Love Bible Reading Plan Has love hurt you? It has me. Friends. My spouse. Family. Church members. Women. We’ve all be hurt by love. It is hard to know (and accept) true love. Can I give you a little hope? Therefore thus says the LORD: “If you turn, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me…..I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked,and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.” Jeremiah 15:19, 21…

How to Choose the Best This Season

Happy December! Last month I shared with you my heart via a free devotional series. Prepare Your Heart for Advent!  It is still available. Click here to join our communities and prepare your heart for Christmas. As I spend this month resting, and refreshing, I’ve realized saying “no” is the going to be the key for me. One of the things I’ve decided to say “no” to is the blog for the month of December. I plan to use the…

3 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Advent

3 Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Advent In just a couple of days calendar will be flipped to December. Are you already sick of Christmas and it isn’t even December 1st yet? Me too. Advent means “coming.” Our King has come, and we celebrate His coming with the Christmas season. Don’t get me wrong, I love the atmosphere at the mall, the giggles of children, the food and presents all are good things. Advent can be also similar to…

What Will My Children Remember About Me?

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, what will your children remember about you, momma? I was laying on the couch trying to nap the other day and I had a flashback to my own childhood. As my sweet babies played quietly (or not so quietly, let’s be honest) during nap time, I remembered my mom took a lot of naps growing up. Everyday in the afternoon she would go to her bedroom (lock the door) and take a quick…