5 Questions to Plan Your Quiet Time

5 Questions to Plan Your Quiet Time Do you struggle with consistent Bible reading?  Are you stuck in your Bible study time? Do you have a plan for your quiet time with God?  Something I’ve learned over the years is that if you don’t plan it – you won’t do it! To help you plan your quiet time, I created these five questions. So. Take a moment. Download this guide and answer these questions. This is a FREE Bible reading…

The Two Best Goal Setting Tools for the New Year

The Two Best Goal Setting Tools for the New Year As we get ready for the new year, let’s talk about goal setting tools. I love setting goals, but let’s be honest – just writing out the goals on a sheet of paper won’t make lasting change. In fact, I’ve had a lot of goals and New Years Resolutions go undone because I failed to take action. That’s the difference between setting goals and achieving goals. Anyone can make a…

How to Set Spiritual Goals 

How to Set Spiritual Goals  How to Set Spiritual Goals. If you have followed me for very long you know I love lists. Lists are my love language. Everyday I make a list.  I am a list-making queen and I love that about myself. It took me years to admit this, but I am a pretty organized person. Previously, I thought it was because I had to be (hello, five kids), but I realized that I’m just good at it….

Two of the Best Christmas Books for Children 

Two of the Best Christmas Books for Children  Moving into December, we want something for our children to read or study as they prepare their little hearts for Christmas. The world bombards them with toy ads, commercials, and store displays. All of these things tell our children that Santa, his elves, and presents are what the season is about. Our family has never been anti-Santa, but we’ve never really focused or emphasized it. As my children grow older, I realize…