The Top 10 Psalms You Should Know

The Top 10 Psalms You Should Know  Motherhood. It is lonely and it is crowded. There are lots of voices we could listen to and glean from. I admit, it is overwhelming which advice to listen to. There are so many opinions trying to get into your heart. New mother, this is for you: Listen to your own voice. God has equipped you for this. Trust the gut. And Trust Him. Listen to the voice of God in the pages…

A Summer in the Psalms

A Summer in the Psalms  How are you spending your summer this year? Living in the tropics, with very little change in temperature and weather, it is hard to physically see the changes of seasons. I feel it though. My children and I are finishing up our homeschooling year this week. We all have summer fever. The days will be filled with a special kind of slowness. Some of them will sleep in while a few will continue to wake…

Five Reasons To Study the Book of Psalms

Five Reasons To Study the Book of Psalms If you have been around my writing for any length of time you know I LOVE the psalms! I’ve been studying and reading the psalms for about five years now. I’m always reading it, even when I’m studying other parts of the Bible. There is something so comforting about reading through those verses. I think I’ve read through the book at least three or four times. I even have written a journal…

Falling in Love With the Bible (Through the Psalms)

Falling in Love With the Bible (Through the Psalms)  Over five years ago I began reading the Psalms on a regular basis. Everyday I would open my Bible at the center and read words that would comfort my heart. It was during a season of great heartache, grief, and confusion God showed up for me in the pages of the Psalms. In fact, reading the Psalms helped me discover my love for God’s word. This past month I’ve been reading…