Love and Pancakes: A Definition of Faithful Love

Love and Pancakes: A Definition of Faithful Love The house number was 415 on 24th Street. A house where I learned about love. Maybe my own parents will be upset that the house on Circle Drive (my home) wasn’t the place I first remember love, but alas. The earliest childhood memories I have of feeling loved, important, and special come from the memories I have of the house on 24th Street. The house looked exactly like the other houses on…

True Love Bible Reading Plan

True Love Bible Reading Plan Has love hurt you? It has me. Friends. My spouse. Family. Church members. Women. We’ve all be hurt by love. It is hard to know (and accept) true love. Can I give you a little hope? Therefore thus says the LORD: “If you turn, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me…..I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked,and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.” Jeremiah 15:19, 21…

How Does God Love Us?

How Does God Love Us?  Love is patient. Love is kind. Just the first two sentences of I Corinthians 13 have me prickly. My prayer journal is filled with pleas to God: “Make me kind. Help me to be patient….” And mostly it has to do with the people in my ordinary life. Not the people who bug me I see once a week or less. Not the irritating FB trolls. I need patience and kindness for my children and…

Free Verse Cards Based on God’s Love

The first time I remember feeling God’s love was in high school. It was a Sunday morning. Maybe the preacher was talking about love, but I don’t remember exactly. I remember sitting in the wood chair. the red carpet was under my feet and I had my Bible open. Prior to this my. heart had been disappointed with friends and choices and teenage drama. It was all very hard on a girl’s heart at the time. As I sat there,…