Lessons from Psalm 119

Lessons from Psalm 119  At first glance Psalm 119 seems daunting and repetitive. Honestly, how often can someone say they love God’s word? We get it. You love God’s Word. But if we look deeper it will change us. Here are some lessons God has shown me during my brief look into Psalm 119.  Watch the video here. Download the transcript here. Get a free Psalm 119 Reading Plan here.

Let’s Write the Word

Let’s Write the Word Do you find yourself longing to really connect with God’s word? I’m not talking about a spiritual feeling, but an actual connection that happens in our minds, our feelings, and our very souls. The Christian world is filled with in-depth Bible studies, but there is something SUPER simple about just writing out God’s words.  Many hundreds of years ago men would gather in monasteries to write God’s word. These monks would spend hours upon hours simply…

7 Tips for Writing the Word

7 Tips for Writing the Word  This month we’ve been talking about writing the Bible! If you want to check out Four Bible Journaling Methods. You can lots of ideas for how to use a journal with your Bible reading in this post. If you are looking for a Bible Journaling book to buy, make sure to click here. I even shared a video on the benefits of writing out the Bible! Watch it here. As you move forward writing…

The Best Journals to Buy to Write God’s Word

The Best Journals to Buy to Write God’s Word  Recently I shared about several different ways we can journal God’s word. In this article I encourage you to just use what you have laying around – even a blank spiral notebook would work! However, if you are overwhelmed with where to start with this method, I want to let you know you aren’t alone. When I was first starting out I was too afraid of not doing it “right” I…