The Busy Mom’s Guide to a Summer with God

Hi friend! If you are new around here on the blog, welcome! I’m Sarah, and if you need some help with focus and inspiration with Bible study (and going deeper), you’ve found a good place to land. Today, I’d like to share with you some thoughts on how to have a summer with God. A little about me….I’m a momma of five kids (ages 10 and under). Two of my boys spent a year in Christian school (for the first time),…

How Busy Moms Flourish in the Summer

How will you flourish this summer? As a momma of five kids, I wonder sometimes if I can get anything done during the summer. Pool days, park fun, play dates, and promises to go outside keep me from my own to-do list. Recently at church our pastor mentioned something I want to start this summer. Make a Will-Do List. What will you promise to do this summer? What kinds of things would you like to do, but feel like you…

Why Our Ordinary Days Matter

A friend of my shared recently how a scene in a popular movie (I won’t name which one) bothered her. It is a fun, beautiful, and encroaching movie, but one scene had me pausing as well. In this scene, one character invited  another character to leave his “ordinary” life for a life way more exciting. As a mother, some days I wish someone would take me away too. My youngest sister is unmarried and works for an airline company. In…

How the Cross Taught Me About the Goodness of God

How the Cross Taught Me About the Goodness of God He is always good.  Sometimes I don’t understand this truth. Even if its true. Nothing in this life from the outside will tell you God is good. In fact, some days I can the the skeptic’s and atheist’s points of view. If all you see, with a dead heart and dead eyes is the surface, then yes. God cannot be good. Or if He is good, He cannot be all-powerful….