Resources for a Life of Rest

Articles on Living a Rest-Filled Sabbath Rest  3 Ways to Enter into His Rest Now Why Your Daily Push Practice of Rest Why Rest Takes Courage Hope Love V. 9 5 Things Every Busy Mom Needs Books to Dive Deeper into His Word Simply Tuesday Becoming a Woman of Simplicity   The Best Yes   Abide in Christ Hands Free Mama Special Videos Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman  Facebook / / Twitter / / Instagram / / Pinterest Do you struggle finding time to study…

Six Steps to Simple Living

I had to give up naps. Don’t get me wrong, I love naps. I had been taking naps since high school. Afternoon naps were what got me through college and all of the late nights.  Naps were my lifeline while I was a new mom with an infant. Naps were my saving grace when I had my second newborn and a toddler. My life has revolved around nap time for seven years now. It still does, but I no longer make the…

Breathe in Freedom While We Wait

While we waited for a referral it was hard. During the adoption process it seemed as if each step was harder and harder. Once we had her picture the game changed completely. She was real. Suddenly I could look at her. Gaze into her eyes and think about her as a real person…..and I did. Everyday. All day. For weeks. And months. Waiting to travel was the most stressful part of our adoption process. I felt trapped. Hidden inside an…

A Tale of Two Sisters & Tuesday Talk

Yes, we all want to breathe. Not just survive our days, but take deep breaths. Live fully. Savor. When we rise each morning, we breathe in before stampeding through the day. At night, we exhale in exhaustion. Never taking the time to be still and breathe in. We know things need to change. Something needs to change in order to make our life more still. To make room for breathing in and finding time to seek God we must first…