15 Days of Gratitude from the Psalms 

15 Days of Gratitude from the Psalms  At every meal my five kids always compete over who will say “thanks.” They love saying their special prayer before the meal, but saying thanks is more than just something we do at the beginning of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They all pray the same type of prayer at each meal. Where did they learn the language for giving thanks? From my husband and I. They didn’t come up with the words on…

The Best Tip for Reading Your Bible

The Best Tip for Reading Your Bible Prayer! That might sound crazy, but what if prayer was the KEY to reading your Bible more? Here are three reasons prayer helps in our Bible reading.  1. It connects us. We can feel more connected to God when we pray. Prayer is a way for us to communicate to God. We can speak to Him as we are reading His word. We can pray for Him to help us understand before we…

Prayer and Peace

Prayer and Peace  Have you ever said, “I just want some peace and quiet?” If you are a mom, then you most definitely have said those words. In fact you probably say them daily if you are anything like me. Last month I was writing a Bible study on the word peace and how Jesus brought us peace. We all want a little peace right? Peace in the Bible is not the absence of pain or anxiety, but the presence…

Don’t Pray Alone

Don’t Pray Alone My husband and I are so blessed to be a part of a team here in Honduras. We moved to this Central American country in January of 2020. When we moved here there were already three other families living and serving here in our city. Being a part of a team can be a lot of work. Communication is key. That is why the four wives and a single lady all have a group text going to…