How to Be Battle Ready

HOW TO BE BATTLE READY Four years ago I walked into the Embassy Suites in Charlotte, NC. It was my very first writer’s conference and I was completely 100% out of my league. Fan struck, I looked around at familiar faces. They were only familiar because I read their words and followed them on social media. The moment I checked into my room, I felt the immediate imposter syndrome settle inside my heart.. Throughout the conference, I definitely felt like…

Why I Won’t Apologize for Motherhood

I’m a mother and I won’t apologize. A few years ago I entered the adoption world and little did I know I would also get a peek inside a world I don’t belong to. The pain of infertility has never touched my life. I knew of women, I’ve become friends with women, and one of my favorite friend lost her infant son a couple of years ago. Loss in motherhood is more common than I imagined. Motherhood was suddenly a…

Do You Struggle With Finding God?

Do you long for a deeper relationship with God, but the hustle and busyness of ordinary life makes it difficult to squeeze in personal devotion time? Ultimate Bundles has teamed up with Jami Balmet from Young Wife’s Guide to offer you a free, live webinar called Finding God in Your Busy Day (creative ways to grow your faith when you don’t have time for devotions). During this webinar, Jami will teach you: Where to start finding God-time (in unexpected places)…

How to Live an Unseen Life

How to Live an Unseen Life “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High..” Psalm 91:1 When I read about those “secret” places, I thought my friend Stephanie. My mother used to babysit Stephanie when her and her sister were little. They would spend their summer days at our house. We would play Barbies and paper dolls. Remember the cut-out paper dolls? Hours were spent outside swimming in a small pool on the patio or swinging on…